True Love
What is true love? That question has been popping into my spiritual radar screen a lot lately. Why? Because I'm convinced that I, along with the vast majority of American culture (and possibly other cultures as well), have been taught a lie about love. I'm beginning to think that love isn't as warm and fuzzy as I've been conditioned to believe. I had always thought that, if you really loved your friends, you'd try to be nice to them and not make them mad. Telling 'polite lies' or better yet, skirting daintily around tough subjects, was perfectly okay if you could avoid stepping on toes by doing so. Most of my life, I've been able to quote John 3:16 'For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.' Aww! What a nice God! I've also known that Jesus loved us enough to die on the cross for us. Aww! Wasn't that kind of Him! However, the thing that never connect...