Power Out
I am a lover of simplicity. I would rather walk than drive, sweep than vacuum, and as for washing dishes...I never even used a dishwasher 'til I was in my teens. I trust that God knew what He was doing when He placed me in the here and now, but my lifestyle does not always match my inclinations. Modernity bustles along at such breakneck speed, offers such a bewildering amount of stimulation, that I am sometimes driven to the brink of distraction. I long for the quiet solidity of simple work and the peace of separation from a clamorous world. So once in awhile, it is good to do without some things: internet overhead lighting limitless running water phones I do not strictly need these conveniences. I certainly don't deserve them. It's good to be reminded of that. It's good to lay aside privilege and entitlement and simply enjoy life as it comes. To slow do...