Let Him Handle It

I tend to  to give God only the good stuff. When I gave my life to Him, I said, "God, you can do anything you want with my talents, with my life. I'm Yours." What I don't give God is my bad stuff. I don't give Him the people that hurt and annoy, the disappointments, the failures. Why? Is it my stubborn pride that keeps me back, forces me to 'deal with it' myself? Is it simply a forgetfulness of God's love and compassion? Is it an underestimation of His incredible greatness and power? So He must always remind me, "My daughter, lay all of your problems on Me. Give up trying to handle them yourself. I'm big enough to handle everything for you." After all, if I belong to God, no one can really hurt me. The anger, annoyance, and bitterness aimed at me passes harmlessly by. It all comes to rest upon God, and He's big enough to handle it.


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