Island Adventures; Part II

I'm glad I brought so many layers. After yesterday's warm weather, I was starting to think that I'd over-packed. But today was overcast, windy, and quite chilly, and I was thankful to pull on a sweater. Every Islander I've had a minute's conversation with today has apologized for the weather and held out hopes that we'll see the sun again soon.

The tourist season is almost over here. Many of the tourist areas have already closed down. We've passed through several towns where a good many of the buildings are dark and deserted...waiting for next years' inundation of tourists to revitalize them.

Speaking of tourism...

Mom and Dad decided to go visit the L.M Montgomery/Anne sites today. I was unsure about going with them, wanting to avoid as many tourist areas as possible. But I was persuaded, and I'm glad that I opted to tag along. Yes, they were tourist traps, but there were trees, and it was interesting to see the influence that Montgomery's environment had upon her writing. Her books are very autobiographical, and most of her characters and settings are drawn from her Island surroundings.

First stop was at L.M. Montgomery's birthplace, where we met a guy who was cycling from British Columbia to Newfoundland. We swapped information, peered at each others' maps, and then went our separate ways. We also bumped into a bunch of Japanese tourists. Apparently the Anne books were adapted into a rather popular Japanese anime? I decided that touring with a group of middle-aged Japanese is rather more pleasant than not. They're just about my speed - calm, polite, respectful - a refreshing change from the loud, pushy tourists one usually finds in such places.

Our next stop was the farm where Montgomery lived much of her life with her grandparents, who raised her after her mother's death. None of the original buildings are still standing, but the house site, surrounded by a grove of ancient, gnarled apple trees, was idyllic.

Then on through The Old Lane, past the site of  the school where Montgomery served as teacher. The woods here are absolutely enchanting, reminding me of the woodland hiking I did in England.
We wound up at the farm of Montgomery's uncle and aunt. This was the place which provided inspiration for the Green Gables of the Anne books.
The outside
The inside 

Then looping back through
Lover's Lane.

Lastly, the cemetery where Lucy Maud was buried.

Then home to a cup of hot Canadian Breakfast tea - a trifle late in the day, perhaps, but still quite tasty. 
