Examination of Conscience
Detail from St. Thomas - Georges de La Tour |
Who perceives his unintentional sins? Cleanse me from my hidden faults. Moreover, keep Your servant from willful sins; do not let them rule over me. Then I will be innocent and cleansed from blatant rebellion.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable to You, Lord, my rock and my Redeemer.
Psalm 19: 12-14
Lately, I've felt entrapped in a spiritual mire; stuck in a pattern of 'doing what I hate'. (Rom. 7:15).
I frequently have trouble viewing my problems from a proper perspective, and my tendency is usually to blow my bad qualities far out of proportion and overlook the good qualities and victories in my life. I struggle against this, but it's easy for me to fall into a fatalistic mindset. I begin to give credence to the lying voice that whispers, 'you've failed. You are failing. You will always fail.' So it's a very healthy thing for me to have some standard other than my warped self perception against which to measure my spiritual progress.
I frequently have trouble viewing my problems from a proper perspective, and my tendency is usually to blow my bad qualities far out of proportion and overlook the good qualities and victories in my life. I struggle against this, but it's easy for me to fall into a fatalistic mindset. I begin to give credence to the lying voice that whispers, 'you've failed. You are failing. You will always fail.' So it's a very healthy thing for me to have some standard other than my warped self perception against which to measure my spiritual progress.
Several years ago, Dad introduced me to the practice of examination of conscience, or spiritual inventory. The idea is to take a list of spiritual qualities or instructions from Scripture, such as the Beatitudes (Mat. 5: 3-12), the Armor of God (Eph. 6: 10-18), or any of the numerous lists scattered throughout the Epistles (Romans 12: 3-18 is the one I currently have taped to my bedroom mirror), and use that list to formulate a set of questions to ask yourself at the end of each day. The goal is to measure that day's spiritual progress and regress; identifying your areas of spiritual strength and weakness and learn, by trial and study, accountability and much, much prayer, how to grow through your strengths and stop wallowing in your weaknesses.
I don't run through the examination of conscience nearly as often as I should (probably the reason why I struggle so mightily), but part of last week's scheduled Bible reading was Psalm 15; David's description of a Godly man. As I read through the listed attributes of righteousness, I was reminded of the practice of spiritual inventory. I decided to formulate David's list into a series of questions for myself, and for anyone else who cares to use them.
Psalm 15
Lord, who can dwell in Your tent?
Who can live on Your holy mountain?
Have I recognized and worshipedGod's holiness today?Have I longed for and sought unity andfellowship with Him?
The one who lives honestly,
Have I lived honestly and avoided allappearance of evil?Have my words, thoughts, actions and desiresreflected the truth of my identity in Christ andborn witness to the fact that God's Spirit isliving and working in me?
Practices righteousness,
Have I striven to meet the standard ofGod's righteousness in word, thought,action and desire, or have I settledfor mediocrity?Have I allowed myself to fall into eitherpride of futility by comparing myrighteousness to that of other people?Have I taken advantage of everyopportunity for acting on God'srighteousness?
And acknowledges the truth in his heart -
Has any part of my heart clung todeceitful or ungodly things?Have I consciously striven to openevery part of my being to God's truth?Am I holding any unconfessed sinback from Him?Have I acknowledged truth onlywith my mouth and my intellect, orhave I allowed God to root it deeplyin my heart so that it may beintegrated into every part of my lifeand be present in each thought?
Who does not slander with his tongue,
who does not harm his friend or discredit his neighbor.
Have I spread any gossip, lies, orunverified assumptions, spoken anyword or engaged in any thoughtthat could be harmful to thecharacter or well-being of anotherperson?Have the reputations of friend,family member and strangerbeen safe in my care?Have I been faithful, in somuch as I am able, to refutethe idle or slanderous gossip ofothers?Have I committed murder byhating another person in my heart?Have I shown each person the samepatience, love, and mercy that myHeavenly Father has shown to me?
Who despises the one rejected by the Lord
but honors those who fear the Lord,
Have I lived in such a way thatthose who honor the Lord desireand seek my companionship?Have I actively sought the Lord'sguidance in my relationships?Have my relationships with othersreflected my desire to become moreChristlike?Have I chosen to associate withthose who will draw me further awayfrom God, or do I seek relationshipsthat will strengthen my walk with Him?
Who keeps his word whatever the cost,
Have I made any foolish or emptypromises?Have I allowed fear, laziness, ahectic schedule or any other distractionto prevent me from keeping my word andfulfilling my obligations to God and to others?Have I submitted my priorities and agendasto God's control?
Who does not lend his money at interest
or take a bribe against the innocent -
Have I been guilty of turning a blindeye to corruption, or to the abuseof the helpless and the disadvantaged?Have I lived sacrificially; caringfor those God places in my path,regardless of the cost to myself?Have I been responsible to use myGod-given resources and blessingswisely; in a way that will advance Hiskingdom and bring no harm to others?Have I allowed greed, pride, fear, orany other vice to motivate any decision Ihave made?Have I relinquished all control of myfinances, time and other possessions, anddedicated them fully to God?Have I recognized and glorified God asthe giver of all good gifts and the sustainerof life?
The one who does these things will never be moved.
Have I lived in the knowledge thatGod is present in the midst of mystruggles, and that He is working inevery circumstance to draw me closerto Himself?Have I faced every situation in thestrength of the Lord and with prayer?Have I held tightly to faith, hope, love,and a trusting reliance upon God's promises?
If you, like me, had to answer most of these questions with a dejected 'no' or a startled 'ouch!', then I'll ask you to join me in repentance for sin and praise for victory. Let's walk forward with both hope and humility, realizing that we will often fail but that, with God's help, we will also succeed.
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