20 & 2013
I'm 20 now. Please don't laugh at me, but 20 just seems very old. 20 seems mature and responsible and very, very, grown up. I'm not sure that I'm ready to be mature, responsible, and very, very, grown up...at least, not all the time. In fact, I think that I might be aging backwards. When I was 15, people usually guessed my age to be 20, and when I was 19, people usually guessed that I was 16. This just goes to show how well you can fool people if you keep your mouth shut. I don't regret my decision to come out of my shell and start really being myself...at least, I don't regret it very often. I don't think I've lost the regard or respect of anyone who truly knows me. I have a lot more fun now than I did when I was younger. I'm much more light-hearted, and I have more friends ('cause, you know, it's easier to make friends if you actually spend a little time talking to people). Yes, I think the benefits have far outweighed the cost. Since ...